11 Rookie camping fails (And How to avoid them)

rookie camping fails

Picture this: you finally arrive at your campsite, all ready for adventure … except you realize you forgot the tent poles. It’s happened to the best of us. But with a little planning, you can avoid these rookie mistakes and have the amazing camping trip you deserve.

I didn’t forget the tent poles, but I did forget the tent stakes. After some thought, my friend and I lodged the tent poles into the ground and draped the tent over them. It was the worst looking tent on the campsite, but at least we had some shelter. Unfortunately the whole structure collapsed with us sleeping inside. Too tired to get up, the tent fabric was resting on our faces. The howls of laughter from other campers made us get up!

Gear Gaffs: Adventures in Overpacking and Under Preparing

I’ve been there, and overstuffed that! I love camping gear. The amount of kit you can buy and bring is incredible. But there is a delicate balance – be prepared but don’t try to haul your entire closet into the forest!

Mistake #1: Packing the Kitchen Sink (Literally)

I get it, the urge to bring all your home comforts into the wilds is strong. But unless your campsite comes with valet parking, your gourmet cookware set should stay put. Make sure you focus on lightweight essentials and check the weather. There’s no need for snow boots in spring! Try to choose versatile items that do double duty.

Mistake #2: “We Won’t Need a First Aid Kit” 

Famous last words! But then came the swarm of mosquitoes. And later the campfire blister incident. Don’t let this be you! A basic first aid kit is non-negotiable, even for a weekend camping trip. A decent first-aid kit doesn’t cost much. Think bandages, antiseptic wipes, bug spray, and any personal meds. Your future self will be extremely grateful! 

Campsite Conundrums: Avoiding the “Oh No!” Moments

Choosing a great campsite should always be fun, not a recipe for disaster. Don’t make these rookie camping mistakes, and you’ll be relaxing in your camping chair instead of fighting with a park ranger.

Mistake #3: The Campground Rule Rebel

The beer has loosened your vocal cords and you like the sound of your voice in the wilderness. Your campfire sing-along is in full swing.Think those quiet hours don’t apply to you? Think again! Campground websites are your friend. Always know the rules on fires, noise levels and pets. This way you’ll avoid any unexpected drama.

Mistake #4: Pitching Your Tent… In the Pitch Black

Unless you have night-vision superpowers, arriving when the sun has set is a challenge. Even if you all have headlamps and camping lanterns you are still working in reduced light. 

Mistake #5: Not Practicing Pitching your Tent

Don’t embark on your first camping adventure without practicing pitching your tent. Go out into your yard or garden and practice. Get your family involved. It’s surprisingly enjoyable. You may even want to camp out that night, nothing wrong with a dry run before the real adventure starts.

rookie camping fails

Food Fails: Don’t Let Dinner Become a Disaster

I love camping food, but even simple camping meals need a little planning. You want to avoid those hangry meltdowns. You don’t want to wait forever for your food after several hours trekking in the wilderness. Also, you don’t want to turn your campsite into a wild animal restaurant!

Mistake #6: The ‘We’ll Figure Out Meals When We Get There” Plan

This was my plan in the early days, but it is a recipe for eating cold beans out of a can, late at night. Pre-prepped ingredients, packet meals, and easy one-pot dishes are your friend. Just a few planned meals and snacks ensure happy campers. 

Mistake #7: Becoming the Bear Buffet

Proper food storage is NON-NEGOTIABLE! Leaving leftover food on the ground or crumbs lying around your tent isn’t just messy, it’s potentially dangerous. If this is you there is a good chance campsite critters will come calling. If you are lucky, only small critters! 

Invest in airtight containers and learn the campground rules. Bear canisters are great for keeping food stored properly, and if your car is nearby you can lock your food away for the night. This keeps you safe and avoids those pesky animals sniffing around.

Rookie Mindset Mishaps: Embracing the Imperfections 

Sometimes, the biggest challenges when camping are in our heads? Let’s drop those unrealistic expectations and embrace the adventure, hiccups and everything else. Even if you go glamping you could still end up wet and muddy.

Misake #8: The Instagram Illusion 

Thinking about those picture-perfect campsites? They exist, but likely with the aid of some strategic cropping and filters. Real camping is often messier, wilder, and way more fun. Embrace the unexpected such as a heavy downpour and laugh off any mishap.

Mistake #9: Battling Mother Nature (and getting your ass kicked)

Weather forecasts are a suggestion, not a guarantee. Layers will save your life (almost). Sometimes it is better just to accept you WILL get a little damp, even with the best preparation. Tarps are incredibly versatile, turn them into rain shelters, picnic blankets, gear cover… and anything else you can think of!

Mistake #10: The “I Quit!” Moment

Bickering, blisters, and that meal which resembled prison food. They all happen. Take a deep breath and focus on the simple joys. Break out the s’mores and sit around the fire. Find your sense of humor and push through.

Mistake #11: Forgetting the Lessons Learned

Every adventure is a learning experience. You forget the tent stakes, you don’t forget them a second time! Was your cheap sleeping bag too cold? Next time invest in something better. You don’t have to take notes, unless you want to. Just a quick reflection will do wonders. 


The best camping memories often contain a bit of chaos. Laugh off the mishaps. You couldn’t light a fire, so what! Embrace the adventure, and know you’ll have a few stories to tell later! If you have any camping mishaps share them in the comments.

FAQ: Your Camping Questions Answered

Q1: I’m a total beginner! What are the absolute essentials I need to bring?

A: Focus on shelter (tent, sleeping bag, pad), food basics, a headlamp, first aid kit, and weather-appropriate clothing. Checklists abound online!

Q2: Help! I always forget something important. Any tips?

A: Create a master camping checklist and customize it for each trip based on location and season. Do trial pack-ups at home to spot what you’re missing.

Q3:  Is it safe to camp alone, especially as a woman?

A: It can be! Research well-maintained campgrounds, let someone know your plans, and learn basic safety skills (check out resources created for women campers).

Q4: Bugs! How do I keep them from ruining my trip?

A: Bug spray is a must, but also think about site selection (avoid stagnant water), proper food storage, and consider a pop-up bug shelter for meals.

Q5: What if I make a ton of mistakes on my first trip?

A: You will!  That’s part of the fun.  Embrace the learning curve, laugh it off, and know that each trip you’ll get smoother and more confident.

Get Even More Camping Know-How

Customizable lists to ensure you don’t forget anything important.

  • Camping 101 for Beginners: 


Basic gear guides, campsite selection tips, and safety essentials.

Recipes beyond hotdogs and beans! Great for those intimidated by campfire cooking.

Explains the why and how of minimizing your impact while camping.

Helps campers search by amenities, difficulty, and user reviews.

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